– no subscription fees
– unlimited range
farmIT specializes in remote monitoring solutions that are both reliable and cost-effective, with no subscription fees.
farmIT provides sensors for various applications such as water tanks, troughs, dams, farm gates, rainfall, vaccine fridges, soil temperature, soil moisture, pump controllers etc. Whether you need to monitor water levels, environmental conditions, or equipment status, farmIT covers all your sensing needs without ongoing costs.
Advanced Technology
farmIT uses advanced European mesh telemetry to send data from each sensor to a central hub or cloudLink, which forwards the data to the cloud using your existing internet connection. You can then view the data from anywhere in the world using the farmIT app on your phone or computer. You can also set limits and receive alerts by email and/or SMS.
Our technology enables you to monitor your assets, no matter how remote, without the need for mobile phone connectivity or expensive satellite connections.
For further information about our advanced monitoring technology and how it can benefit your operations, please click here.